

St Anselm's Episcopal Chapel Center’s four core values are Spiritual Formation, Sacramental Life, Local Mission and Service, and Leadership Development.

Our community seeks to nurture balanced living characterized by study, worship, mission and spiritual depth. This focus is at the heart of our common life in Jesus Christ at the Episcopal Chapel Center.

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Ever Ancient, Ever New

Farewell Address from Reverend Mother Adrienne Hymes

Rev. Mother Adrienne HymesDear Friends in Christ,

It has been my privilege to serve as the resident chaplain at St. Anselm’s Episcopal Chapel Center at USF for the last four years. In those four “short” years, the center has been renovated, and has firmly re-established its Episcopal identity. As our visibility increased throughout the USF community, curious students have been drawn to explore the possibility of deepening, or beginning, a relationship with Christ through worship and teaching in our rich, ancient Episcopal/Anglican tradition.

By providing weekly traditional worship and shared meals; gathering weekly for a mutual fascination with the theological themes of the television show, “The Walking Dead;” and providing sound Christian teaching, integrating faith into the unique, day-to-day, experiences of college students, the ministry grew from being completely shut down, with no students, to a vibrant student fellowship.

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Worship and Christian Formation Programs

THREE-in-ONE Thursdays

Episco-Bulls Fellowship

Walking Dead Fellowship

Chat 'N Chew

Chat 'N Chew


USF Black Faculty and Staff Association, Executive Board Retreat January 2019

“Thank you to Mother Adrienne Hymes for allowing the USF Black Faculty and Staff Association – Executive Board members to use St. Anselm's Episcopal Chapel Center on the USF Campus for our annual retreat. St. Anselm's Episcopal Chapel Center served as a wonderful place for us to host our retreat and provide a comfortable and safe space for us to exchange ideas. On behalf of the USF Black Faculty and Staff Association,we want to say thank you again to Mother Adrienne Hymes for opening her home to us! Mother Adrienne Hymes and St. Anselm's Episcopal Chapel Center are treasures on the USF Campus that deserve more attention!”

Kristofer Newsome, President

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St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church Vestry Retreat, February 2019

"Our Vestry spent a day in a working retreat at the St. Anselm’s Chapel Center. We began with Morning Prayer in the Chapel, then spent the day in the Center. It is a beautiful, open, peaceful space with plenty of room for a full Vestry around the big table, plus a breakout room to use if needed. A great “getaway” retreat space - highly recommended!"

Mother Susan+ - Rector

St. Clement's Episcopal Church Vestry Retreat, March 2019